Wednesday, January 12, 2011

The Ring and the proposal

The first thing people want when you get engaged is to see the ring and how he/she proposed.
So here is the Ring...(It was his mother's ring from her first marriage. Most would consider this bad JuJu, but to him/us it's a way of taking an item that had seen bad times and giving it a second chance to do it right. Both of our families have had a high divorce ratio and we both have the mentality that this is a one time thing. Shoot, while all other girls in my class had their wedding planned in 7th grade, I was more concerned with art and didn't have my 1st boyfriend til 10th grade. haha Clearly I was in no rush)

AND the proposal story:
It was a cold and frozen Dec. 17th night at my parents house in Indiana. (We flew out for the holidays) I was laying on the couch watching "Ever After" the Cinderella story starring Drew Barrymore and Josh was in the kitchen painting a gourd for my grandma's boyfriend. (Little back story: My grandma's boyfriend Bill has been bugging Josh to paint a gourd to go in his pole barn for years. His pole barn is FILLED with crazy goodies, like TGI Fridays decor on crack. Any-who, Bill has had various bouts with cancer and it just started to arise again, so Josh decided he would surprise him with the gourd he wanted, even though it is an odd medium to paint on.) Josh had been working non-stop on this custom, amazing gourd with caricatures of my grandma and Bill on it. Barely even stopping to take breaks.

So Josh comes into the living room where I am watching the movie. He tells me how much he loves me, then kneels down, on both knees (oh yes I got both knees) and says how happy I make him and that he would like to ask me to be his wife. I of course with no hesitation I say, "YES!" He then takes the ring out and neither of us know what hand a wedding ring goes on. LOL So we decide it's the right hand...which is the wrong hand, we figured it out after we Googled it. =) Then of course Facebooks were updated, and I texted my best friend Michelle.

This wasn't the original way Josh was going to propose to me. He had planned to do it at my Dad's side of the families Christmas (on the 18th) But the day of the 16th was when he asked my mom permission to ask if he could propose...BUM BUM BUM!

My mom is a lovely, amazing, all heart Italian/polish women. She's the kind of women who is all peaches and cream until it comes to serious matters dealing with me. Then the Italian mafia women comes out. Which I absolutely love about her. Best Mom ever! So while I was in the shower and Josh and my mom were alone. (My dad had been working double shifts and was scarce the first week we were out so he sadly couldn't be present) So Josh and my mom were joyously talking when Josh brought out the ring and my mom went from laughing to serious face in .01 seconds flat.
My mom asked, " What's that?"
Josh says, " An engagement Ring"
Mom: "What's it for?"
Josh: "I want to ask Shannah to marry me."
Mom: "Are you gonna treat her good"
Josh: "Of course, I love Shannah more than anything."
Then my mom, not really giving a direct yes or no to the situation, goes on to asking about when we will be wed, and that we have to give them time to save...and so on. (My mom is a very well organized person and plans things out WAY in advance. She wanted my Christmas list in September/October and is done shopping at the end of November. haha) The whole time Josh was like, "I only got as far as asking her to marry me." Then of course my mom wanted to know how he was going to do it. Josh told her he was going to propose at my Dad's side Christmas in front of the family. My mom's reply:
"That's kind of impersonal don't you think?" Josh was perplexed, his nervousness about asking me grew. Then Josh heard the shower water stop running and put the ring away so I wouldn't catch on. Josh and my mom went on with normal conversation with me non the wiser. Josh still wondering if he even had my mother's approval, until I stepped out of the room and my mom approached him and said "I'm very excited!"
To add even more pressure he was texting buddies about how he was going to propose to me and one replied, "What if she says no?" Josh hadn't thought about that and the stress grew. What if I did say no in front of my family? He'd just crawl into the corner and die. So he asked the night before. Which I can't blame him. =)
Josh had a super sweet way he was going to propose at my dad's sides Christmas too. He had bought a handmade teapot that was in the shape of a Chinese fish and wanted to glue a 3 yard ribbon to the lid, with reasons he loved me and how I was a good catch (get it fish, catch...moosh moosh) and at the end of the ribbon would be the ring, and he would then ask me to marry him.

BUT my mom scared him out of it haha. Although I loved the idea of the fish teapot, but it is not my style to be center of attention in a crowd, so I loved how he proposed. We still have the teapot and always will.

So it Begins!

I was asked to be a wife Dec 17th 2010, by the man I love. (Thank goodness all those men I did not love did not ask me such a question.) So I figured I would start a blog on how we are going about planning our wedding, for family, friends, and random strangers who stumble upon it.

We are planning a "mostly" DIY wedding as we are both artist and have a unique view as how the wedding should go. Plus the skills to (hopefully) pull it off. I say "mostly DIY" because we will not be cooking the food for the event (although being able to create some recipes would be nice), building a church or venue for the reception from scratch, (if we did it would be out of Popsicle sticks, glitter, and Elmer's glue. Possibly macaroni noodles if budget allowed). We will not be taking our own photos, and I will not be making my dress. We will however be designing our own invites, decorations, favors, etc, and hopefully I can design my dress and have a skilled seamstress make it for me. (If you know of anyone feel free to refer me to them, preferable in the Portland, OR area) More dress talk to come soon.

So far the plan is to keep the wedding under $10,000, a close to impossible task I know, but challenges are what life is for. That and awkward moments, if you bask in the awkward they are fabulous moments.

Also his family is all the way up at the top of the mitten that is Michigan, and the majority of my family is in NW Indiana. So we have to find a good halfway point. Also a lot of our friends are scattered throughout the US. So hopefully all can come for fun times. PLUS we currently reside in Portland, OR. Fun times to be had for sure. 0_o

Anyway that's the gist for now. More posts w/ pics to come. I know I hate reading long rants and just want to look at pretty pictures...or odd or disturbing ones...pretty much as little words as possible is best. =)

I hope to update at least once a week. But we shall see...